Terms of Service

Revision date: December 12, 2023

Greetings from the Lorezest mobile application (the App), brought to you by Optodish Inc. (referred to as "Optodish", "we", "us", or "our"), headquartered in Quebec, Canada. Your access and use of our App are subject to these Terms of Service (the "Terms"). Accepting these Terms is a condition for using the App, which applies when you download, install, or use the App.

No Account Required

This App allows usage without the need to create an account. All services provided by the App are available without account registration.

User Data and Analytics

The App collects analytics data, including your location and navigation patterns within the app. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are comfortable with the data being collected. We commit to handling this analytics data in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, ensuring the protection of your privacy and proprietary rights. You must be aware that this data is used to enhance the App's functionality and user experience, and by using the App, you consent to this data collection and usage.

Purchases and Subscriptions Within the App

The App might offer options for in-app purchases and subscriptions. These are subject to specific terms and conditions. All transactions made within the app, including purchases and subscriptions, are final and non-refundable, except as required by law or specified in the purchase or subscription terms.

Ownership of Intellectual Property

The content within the App, including logos, designs, and trademarks, is owned exclusively by Optodish Inc. This content is protected under Canadian and international copyright laws. Without prior written consent from Optodish Inc., you may not use, duplicate, distribute, transmit, exhibit, sell, license, or exploit any content from the App for any purpose.

Terms Update

We reserve the right to modify these Terms occasionally. Any changes will be posted here, along with the update date. It is advisable to review this page periodically to stay informed about any changes, as they are obligatory for you.

Applicable Law and Legal Venue

These Terms and any related disputes or claims will be governed by the laws of the Province of Quebec, without regard to its conflict of law rules. Legal proceedings related to these Terms or the App must exclusively occur in the federal courts of Canada or the courts of the Province of Quebec. We also reserve the right to undertake legal action against you for breaching these Terms in your country of residence or any other relevant country.

Contact Information

For questions regarding this policy, please reach out to us at: info@lorezest.com